實體店取貨(尖沙咀USAGI SELECT The ONE) (逢星期一截單,發貨需時3至10個工作天,從顧客收到「已到達」通知起7天免費存倉,7天後每單每件須收費$10/天)網店於1月20日截單,並於2月5日開始陸續恢復發貨。恢復出貨後,將依序處理所有訂單,可能會出現延遲出貨的情況。敬請見諒,謝謝您的理解與耐心。
Monday to Friday 10:00-18:00 (Public Holiday excluded)
本網上商店由MASH STYLE LAB HONG KONG LIMITED營運,為SNIDEL等品牌香港官方網上銷售點,商品經日本官方進口。送貨地區不包括中國大陸地區、台灣地區、日本及美國。全店實付滿HK$1800免香港地區郵費,一律以順豐速遞送出。發貨需時3至5個工作天。 如有任何爭議,USAGI ONLINE HONG KONG保留最終決定權。
This online store is operated by MASH STYLE LAB HONG KONG LIMITED and the official online shop appointed by Japan headquarter. Merchandises are imported officially via Japan. Delivery do not cover regions including the Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan and USA. Free shipping upon patronage over net amount of HK$1800 for Hong Kong region. Merchandises should be delivered within 3 to 5 working days. All matters or disputes are subject to the final decision of USAGI ONLINE HONG KONG.